Getting On Line
The Router - Connecting To The Internet
- Launch Safari and type in the IP address of the router as given in the instruction book. This will be a series of four, three digit numbers separated by a dot e.g. The leading zeros can be and usually are omitted so it may be written and you can type this way too. (This IP address is a common one used as the default by some manufacturers so may actually be correct for your router.)
- Follow any setup instructions for your router but you are looking for an option called something like Basic Settings to enter the following information :
- User Name (the connection one provided by your ISP - often different to any email or web site user name)
- Password (again, provided by your ISP.)
- Set the router to act as a DHCP server. This is probably its default setting.
Using the router as a DHCP server means that every time a computer is switched on, the router will give it a unique IP address in the same series as its own, e.g.
The rest of the settings will probably be fine left as the default, so try clicking the Test or Connect button to see if it works. However, in case it doesn't, check with your ISP but common settings for the UK are :
- Network Type - PPPoE
- VPI - 0 (that's zero)
- VCI - 38